Searching for Sugar Man is a 2012 Swedish/British documentary directed by Malik Bendjelloul, detailing the efforts of two Cape Town fans, Stephen 'Sugar' Segerman and Craig Bartholomew Strydom, to find out if the rumored death of American musician Rodriguez was true, and, if not, to discover what had become of him. Rodriguez's music, which never took off in the United States, had become wildly popular in South Africa, but little was known about him there. The film is produced by Simon Chinn and John Battsek.
Searching for Sugar Man is a 2012 soundtrack album of the American musician Rodriguez.
As a result of the popularity of the documentary and Rodriguez' music appearing in the documentary film, the soundtrack contains a compilation containing his materials from the two albums. The album has charted both in Sweden, where it reached no.13 in the Swedish Albums Chart, and in New Zealand, where it reached no.24. (wikipedia)
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Rodriguez - Searching for Sugar Man (Soundtrack) 2012
(Columbia / Legacy)
1. Sugar Man
2. Crucify Your Mind
3. Cause
4. I Wonder
5. Like Janis
6. The Establishment Blues
7. Can't Get Away
8. I Think Of You
9. Inner City Blues
10. Sandrevan Lullaby - Lifestyles
11. Street Boy
12. A Most Disgusting Song
13. I'll Slip Away
14. Jane S. Piddy